Once upon a time a long time ago in 1934 a tune popped up on records and radio called What a Diff’rence A Day Made and twenty five years latter when I was a ki…
Artist Perri Salka works with acrylic-based ink, water and heat, to create experimental, methodical and meditational works on Yupo paper in an attempt to clari…
Community-Word Project staff presented their training on Surreal Science at the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development’s conference, Cultivating Cur…
CWP Program Director Megan Morrison finds vibrant learners in slums of Jakarta. In November of 2013 she voyaged across the globe to teach theatre and danc…
Christa Blackwood is a photo, text and installation artist working with themes related to identity, history, and popular culture. Her visual voice was develope…
Recently I visited P.S. 84 in Williamsburg, Brooklyn and observed three diverse third-grade classes engaged in Community-Word Project’s arts programming. These…
Patti Chilsen, CWP Assistant Program Director, learned a lifetime of public service from her favorite teacher. Her Dad. His life of public service and philanth…
5Pointz was the voice of a community. The 5Pointz artists, aerosol or graffiti, legal or illegal, represent the collaboration of disparate voices coming togeth…
As a teaching artist for Community-Word Project, I can tell you that we are always talking about strategies for bringing our artistic selves into the classroom…