I began my internship on January 8, 2015. As a multi-disciplinary artist, I felt that my placement in the 2nd grade class at P.S. 676, The Red Hook Neighborhoo…
On the second week of my in-school residency, my Community-Word Project Teaching Artist mentor, Mr. Scott, mentioned the class was a special needs inclusion cl…
Creating lesson plans has to be the most difficult aspect of teaching, and it is especially difficult for Teaching Artists who enter a classroom once a week an…
Standing in front of the brightly bannered doorway, I took a deep breath and prepared to enter the now-familiar classroom in Brooklyn, where my internship take…
As I continue to work with PS 676’s 2nd and 3rd grade classes, I’ve been building relationships with the students in the classroom. The process began by starti…
I have not been inside a primary school in decades and was immediately intimidated upon entering the school. The walls of P.S. 316 were adorned with posters, k…
You don’t have to be a great writer to tell a great story. I’ve heard things along these lines before. I have even read amazing pieces that I didn’t think were…
My residency at PS 316 takes place on the last period of the day when students are tired and their attention is on everything except us. My mentors, Max Allbee…
It’s the first day of my after-school internship with Community-Word Project. As a Teaching Artist in training, I have been assigned to assist a professional T…