Standing outside of the classroom doorway, I braced my nerves for a brand new experience: presenting my very own lesson plan in a public school for the first t…
ArtsEdTechNYC presented a moderated panel to tackle that very question on Thursday, March 19, 2015 at Apple Store SoHo. I took my seat with looming s…
We are pleased to present CWP's Annual Evaluation Report. This report is shared with our funders and potential supporters. It is also used as a guide to shapin…
The heart of my residency experience could perhaps be captured in two concepts: organized collaboration and creative flow. To simplify it even further, down to…
In addition to assisting at an in-school residency for my TATIP internship, I am thrilled to be co-leading two after-school residencies with the CUNY Creative …
One of my favorite quotes in the world, widely attributed to Albert Einstein, reads, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a …
My roommate tells me about her staff meeting. She says there was a lot of gossip and spreadsheet analyzing. She says there was a lot nitpicking and grievance a…
My first day in a Community-Word Project residency was unlike anything I had ever experienced and, by observing the open communication between my mentors and t…
The circle shape, aesthetically, allows for inclusion--everyone’s face is seen. When I first arrived at The Young Women’s Leadership School, I entered a classr…