Summer Institute 5.0: A guide for moving from question to responseI believe to truly ingest life lessons one must recognize the path that led to the circumstan…
I was incredibly lucky to attend the Teaching Artist Job Information Panel, an event hosted by Community-Word Project and NYU. It was an all-star cast with pan…
This year Community-Word Project's art residency at P.S. 132 was all about New York City. The students incorporated aspects of the city into all of their poetr…
My heart led me hereto be inspired to inspire, to teach and to hearthe wisdom in your words.My heart led me here to connect with other hearts. Flowing fro…
Katie Cox, MusicianKatie Cox grew up spending summers fishing, camping, hiking, and playing the flute around the state of Alaska. Originally from Fairban…
Kim Baglieri, Visual & Mixed Media ArtistKim Baglieri is a Brooklyn-based filmmaker, painter and animator whose work investigates collective and personal m…
Felix Morelo, Visual Artist TATIP WorkFelix has been training at PS 84 in Brooklyn with CWP Teaching Artists Felipe Galindo and Molly Goldman.Find out mor…
Laura Epperson, Theatre ArtistLaura spent the first 18 years of her life learning how to be a human in the incredible state of Iowa. She left the cornfields an…
Amanda LaPergola, Theatre ArtistAmanda LaPergola is an actor and writer who lives in Astoria. She holds a BFA in music theatre from Shenandoah Unive…