Yael Ben-Zion is a New York-based visual artist and educator working primarily in photography. Her practice examines charged social and political issues from a…
Michele Kotler founded Community-Word Project in 1997. She is a graduate of the NYC public school system. She received her BA from Sarah Lawrence College and h…
Michele Kotler (mkotler@communitywordproject.org) founded Community-Word Project in 1997. She is a graduate of the NYC public school system. She received her B…
Monica Chen is an Enterprise Sales Team Leader and Senior Relationship Manager at Bloomberg. In this role, she is responsible for not only building strong clie…
Natalie Willens is an artist and educator originally born and raised in NYC. She has been teaching arts-integrated creative writing for the last 10 years in co…
Nichelle Ryan is a multimedia visual artist. She is a painter, photographer, illustrator, printmaker and sculptor. She was born in the British Caribbean and g…
Phyllis Capello is a writer and musician. She is a New York Foundation for the Arts fellow in fiction and winner of an Allen Ginsberg poetry award and her work…
Reilly Horan is a Brooklyn-based crew lead, stage/road manager, production manager, technical director, scenic carpenter, teaching artist, storytelle…
Mrs. Rossana P. Ionescu joins the board of Directors of Community-Word Project as board member. She has over 25 years' experience in the Financial Services ind…