Emily Collins, Writer
Emily Collins is a writer and Teaching Artist based in New York.
Emily has been interning at PS 676 in Red Hook with CWP Mentor Teaching Artists Adia Whitaker and Jashua Sa-Ra.
“Through TATIP I have been given the opportunity to merge my love of writing and literature with other disciplines. My internship at PS 676 was my first experience in the classroom, and my mentors Jashua and Adia made it an enjoyable transition. I worked with 5th graders and got to teach them poetry and dance. My mentors showed me how these two disciplines can depend on one another to create something new.”
Most Memorable TATIP Moment
“My favorite TATIP moment happened during one of our training seminars. We watched my favorite TED talk: Chiamanda Ngosi Adichie on the dangers of a single narrative. Understanding the message of this talk is the essence of teaching and creating. Art and education are radical acts and there is no universal story that fully represents our deepest potential.”
Find out more about Emily here:
“The Empathy of Gina Berriault”
Check out Emily’s Lesson Plan she presented with her partner Kelsey Piva.
You can read more about Emily’s experience in her blogs: The Art of Lesson Planning, Teaching with Vigor & Grace: Lessons in Classroom Management, Reflecting on My Mentors, My First Lesson and more forthcoming!
Interested in TATIP? Find out more about our 2016-17 Program!
See more of our 2015-16 Graduates in the 2016 TATIP Anthology!