Students at BEA used their written and illustrated observations from visual inquiry into a series of videos created by poet Aja Monet and Visual “street” artis…
CWP Teaching Artists spent two rainy September days at the Secret Theatre in Long Island Theatre for the annual CWP Teaching Artists Staff Retreat! The teachin…
On November 12th, TATIP reconvened at The Drama League for the third installment of the Saturday training days. We had some special new partners with us as wel…
On October 29th, TATIP reconvened for the second Saturday training day to focus on lesson planning, objectives, and more. This week's training was led by …
It was the beginning of the school year, and she handed out a paper to each student. When she reached my desk, I didn’t dare look up. It was another school for…
On October 21st, Community-Word Project staff convened at The Drama League for the opening reception of our 2016-17 Teaching Artist Training & Interns…
Our Alums do amazing things!2015 TATIP Graduate Nabila Lovelace co-founded The Conversation with fellow contemporary poet Aziza Barnes with the idea in mi…
Something I’ve really valued over the course of TATIP is the opportunity to observe and be mentored by so many different Teaching Artists. I interned in t…
Third graders from Ms. Barquet's class at P.S. 132 Juan Pablo Duarte in NYC worked with Community-Word Project's Teaching Artist and Muralist, Felipe Galindo, …