Valerie Hallier

Multimedia artist Valérie Hallier came to the US with a Fulbright Scholarship after graduating from the ENSAD (Video, Cinema, Animation) in her native Paris, France. In NYC, she received a MFA from SVA. Conceptual and project based, her work consists of series and installations.

“As a child, I was obsessed with the idea of drawing every single thing that exists in the world.” Valérie’s projects explore the absurdity and the poetry of exhaustive study. Her work is being shown internationally. Main solo shows include “Screened Calls & Slow Portraits” at Medianoche gallery (NYC) and “Portraits Lents” at the ESAM, Caen, France. Group show locations include the LMCC Arts Center, Brooklyn Arts Council, A.I.R. gallery, ACM Siggraph (FL), SCAN Arts Symposium (PA.).

Hallier was commissioned by the Drawing Center (NYC) for Draw Now! Residencies include LMCC Swing Space artist residency on Governor Island and as a guest of The NY Theremin Society at Pioneer Works, Brooklyn. Upcoming is a 3 months residency at NARS Foundation. Valérie’s work was selected to be part of BRIC Media Arts first edition Biennial in Brooklyn, NY.

Valérie has been successfully navigating and bridging the fine art, educational and commercial worlds, offering her unique sensibility and expertise to create outstanding creative experiences in the three realms, while learning everyday.

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