Black and White photo of woman looking into camera

Diara John

Diara John is a multifaceted individual whose love for arts began at a young age, guided by the unwavering support of her parents. Diara’s artistic journey unfolded at home where she had a wide collection of books, church where she sang in the choir and participated in plays, and her elementary school’s auditorium where she engaged in ballet, tap, and jazz. Alongside the grace and discipline of performing arts, she also discovered a love for track and field as an adolescent, where she laced up her running shoes and spikes for several years – teaching her the value of teamwork and mental endurance.
During her high school years, she continued to explore and nurture her diverse interests, gravitating towards classes that allowed her creativity to flourish – she found a home in teachings like TV production, English, and Art. From the bustling TV production studio to the serene art studio and the thought provoking English classroom, each class contributed to shaping her into the well rounded individual she is today, blending the worlds of art, literature, sport, and media seamlessly into her narrative.
Beyond her professional pursuits, Diara’s free time includes pilates, sky gazing, and at home concerts with an imaginary mic in one hand and her purple guitar in the other.
Driven by the desire to pay it forward and make a meaningful impact, Diara joined Community Word Project bringing her artistic flair, athletic tenacity, and intellectual curiosity to the table. She is a dynamic force with a deep seated commitment to nurturing the potential of future generations and looks forward to leveraging her diverse experiences to add value to the organization.

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