The Ramblers!


When SuperMoms was a couple of years old, I met SuperMom Aidan Donnelley Rowley (thanks to Literary Agent and former CWP Board Member Alex Glass). Aidan has impacted Community-Word Project with her smarts, generosity, honesty and time. She believes in the next generation of writers and volunteers at our editing days and our students love working with her.

On February 9th, her second novel, The Ramblers, hits the shelves! You can preview Chapter 1 here!  

Aidan founded Happier Hours, a monthly literary salon that features contemporary writers of fiction and nonfiction in an intimate conversation about their work. Aidan invites a community of writers and readers into her home to celebrate authors and their latest works. Michele Kotler met several fantastic SuperMoms through these salons, including Lindsay Picard and Jennifer Maulsby and Authors Patty Chang Anker and Tre Miller Rodriguez. Aidan’s love of reading and writing has helped to connect many people to Community-Word Project. 

It is fun to return the favor and invite our community into Book Court on February 9th for a Book launch reading at Book Culture 7pm  – 450 Columbus Avenue. Open to the public. After party details to come! – See more at Aidan’s Blog!