Home Libraries & Community Partners Libraries and Community Partners are essential to providing access to arts-integrated learning spaces beyond in-cl…
Home Schools The heart of Community-Word Project’s activities is the empowerment of students’ voices through the creative arts. Get Start…
Financials Community-Word Project Financial Statements are prepared annually by the independent audit firm of SAX, LLC. 2022-2023 - Form 990 Click be…
Accessibility Policy Community-Word Project is committed to ensuring that all individuals, including but not limited to those who are blind or low vision, d…
Home Professional Development Purposeful collaboration with classroom teachers and administrators improves arts pedagogy and enhances curricular outco…
Home Teaching Artist Project Rigorous training and mentoring prepares artists to achieve academic and curricular goals while drawing upon their profe…
Home Youth Programs Interdisciplinary arts-integrated curriculum provides alternative learning strategies for writing and creative expression. …
Get Involved Community is at the core of what we do. Partner with Us! Our work thrives through intentionally collaborative partnerships with NYC publ…