Michelle Houslanger is a poet and current MFA candidate at Sarah Lawrence College. She graduated with a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College in 2015, concentrating in poetry and classics. She currently lives in Yonkers, New York.
TAP Work:
“Through TAP I had the opportunity to intern in a fifth-grade classroom at P.S. 279, Captain Manuel Rivera, Jr. in the Bronx. Observing and working with Katie Rainey and T. Scott Lilly was a wonderful experience. Watching them work together was a joy and an inspiration, and receiving feedback from them on my own teaching was fantastic. I feel I have learned so much both about structuring a lesson plan and how to deviate from it to make room for spontaneous growth.”

Most Memorable TAP Moment:
“My most memorable TAP moment was the day we spent in the Langston Hughes house: it was such a wonderful gift just to be there.”
Check out Michelle’s Lesson Plan she created in her CWP residency.

Interested in TAP? Find out more about our 2018-19 Program.
See more of our 2017-18 Graduates in the 2018 TAP Anthology!