Kate Lindstedt is a writer and editor based in New York City. An MFA candidate in creative nonfiction at Sarah Lawrence College, she writes about fear, family, addiction, and healing, and is working on an essay collection about the intersection of illness and identity. Her words have been published at BuzzFeed, SheKnows, XRAY Literary Magazine, and elsewhere. In her pre-MFA life, she helped nonprofits drive action and inspire change, as a copywriter and content strategist. She holds a BA in Comparative Literature from Brown University.
TAP Work:
This year in TAP, while also in her second year of a creative writing MFA, Kate explored how art can be a vehicle for self-understanding and community. As a TAP trainee, she had the privilege of learning from Chelsea Asher and Yael Ben-Zion in their visual arts and creative writing residency at PS 171. Their third-grade students connected to their superhero selves through the power of simile, metaphor, and collaborative poetry. Together with fellow trainees Josiah Valle Ellis and Lance Moreland, she developed a sample lesson plan that explored ecology and the concept of home through collaborative art-making.

Most Memorable TAP Moment:
“Every week, I couldn’t wait for Friday to arrive so that I could spend an hour in third grade. My mentors did an amazing job of creating a space where kids were free to be themselves, to take risks and to grow. It was so rewarding to watch students discover their own strengths, stretch their imaginations, and come together as a class to support one another.”
Find out more about Kate here:
You’re Allowed to Bring Your Feelings to School – Kate’s blog on her TAP experience