Portrait of woman smiling with black hair and black shirt in front of red brick wall

Shokoofeh Rajabzadeh

Shokoofeh Rajabzadeh, born in Iran and raised in California, comes to CWP with program management experience in organizations focused on racial and social justice in higher education. She received a PhD in English Literature from UC Berkeley. Her dissertation research, for which she has received multiple awards, focused on the role racemaking played in medieval storytelling and the role that storytelling played in medieval race making.

When she is not studying stories from the past, she is writing her own stories. Her creative nonfiction essays and short stories have appeared in ZyzzvaBoston Accent, and the anthology My Shadow is My Skin: Voices from the Iranian Diaspora. She is also co-creator of the online storytelling and graphic arts blog Always Not Quite which explores her experiences growing up as an Iranian-Muslim-American immigrant in post-9/11 America.

(212) 962-3820 ext. 302

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